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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

52 weeks of Pinterest: Week 1...a t-shirt scarf

So I've joined in with the photographer that did Cooper's newborn pictures for a 52 week project....actually doing some of the things I've pinned on Pinterest!  :)  My projects will usually be posted on Mondays but yesterday was a busy day and time got away from I'm a little late already, and it's only the first week!  yikes!  anywho....this week I made a T-shirt scarf.  I've seen them floating around the internet for some time now and last week, as dear hubby was going through his TONS of t-shirts and getting rid of some, it seemed like the perfect time to try it!  the project was SUPER simple and I completed it during Cooper's morning nap with lots of time to spare!  :)  You can find the project pinned here.  And here is my version (sorry for the not-so-great photos....I didn't have a model to photograph or a photographer to photograph me modeling it...)

Can also be worn doubled up.
I did a very simple version....didn't want too much going on...I like it simple.  But you could definitely add some jewels...a little bling....a leather wrap instead of ribbon...use your imagination!

When I figure out how to link to other blogs, I'll link to the others who are participating in this 52 week projects.  How about you?  Wanna join?!?!?  :)
Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

10 weeks and some shots

Today Cooper is 10 weeks old! He got to celebrate by going to the doctor for his 2 month vaccines!  yuck!  I was dreading today so much!  I tried to get the hubby and my mom to come with me but neither was able to take the day off from work to come.  Honestly, I thought I was going to need someone there to console me!  :)  Turns out he did great!  He did do some pretty serious squealing while he was getting the shots but as soon as they were done and I was able to pick him up, he stopped crying.  Poor little fella had big ol tears in his eyes and everything!  I guess the whole ordeal (coupled with not taking a nap this morning) really wore him out because he was asleep before we got out the door (and has slept most of the afternoon)!  That allowed me to run a few errands and just be out of the house for a little while.  We ran to Target and got the cutest little track pants for him for $1.80!  How can you pass up under $2 for pants!?!?!  So I got 3 pair....and am contemplating whether I should go back for more in bigger sizes....  :)  We have been invited to a Super Bowl party at my aunt and uncle's house and C insists that it's time for Cooper to wear his tiny baby air jordans....and that the super bowl is the perfect time to break them out!  So of course he needed something new to wear with these stylish kicks....hence my little shopping excursion!

This has been a big week....I feel like Cooper is all of a sudden bigger...

At 10 weeks Cooper:

  •  weighs 11 pounds 5 ounces (I thought he would be bigger....but I guess he's more like the tortoise than the hare....slow and steady!)
  • is 2 feet tall....well....24inches long  :)  little side note....I love watching Ellen, and this week a couple members of her staff had babies that she showed pictures of.  In announcing their "stats" she commented on the length stat...why does that matter?  I'm not really this point it just means he stretches out a little longer and outgrows his footed jammies a little quicker...That's why I like to say he's 2 feet sounds more important  :)
  • coos and "talks" all the time!  we have little conversations during the day (I'm home with an infant and a dog all day....I'll take what I can for conversation!)  I know it may sound crazy but it almost is like we are talking!  he makes a noise or a coo....i respond...he "says" something back and so on.  While we're not REALLY talking, I like to think that he IS developing some early conversation skills....just let me think it...  :)
  • has figured out how to mimic me!  he's really good at sticking his tongue out at me when I stick mine out at him!  And another funny/cute thing he has done with his tongue this week....we've had to use the nasal aspirator to suck out some boogies and EVERY time I stick it up to his nostril....out comes the tongue!  it's the funniest thing ever!
  • is beginning to figure out that he can grasp things and pull them toward him...especially my fingers going to his mouth!  He also seems to really like holding onto his burp cloths when they are within he's snuggling with it...I think we may have a blankie boy on our hands!
  • is STILL spitting the doc said we could up his dose of zantac since he weighs more now....hopefully that will start helping again.
  • has officially discovered the TV!  yikes!  I try to tell him television will rot his brain, but he just loves the bright colors and lights!  he watches SO intently sometimes!
  • Has dropped a feeding at I wakes up once somewhere in the middle of the night and then again in the early morning (7ish) and then will sleep in a little longer until he's ready to get up for the day (or until I'm ready!).  Last night he slept from 10-5:30!  I'm not holding my breath for that to happen on a regular basis though!
 Being able to spend time at home with Cooper and experience and document all these little changes has been so wonderful, I can't imagine not doing it!

and now for the pictures....don't you like how I wait until the end so you HAVE to read everything first  :)  or maybe you just scrolled past it all.....

"Hey!  Help me outta here!"

Little froggy all wrapped up post bath!
Arnold "resting" on Cooper's carseat on the way to Grandma's

So happy....this is him most of the day!  :)  love that big 'ol grin!

Arnold....the protector!

Intently watching the TV...Sesame Street

Helping hold his bottle at bedtime last night

Loving the activity mat! (even though it doesn't really look like it!)

Thanks for stopping by!

    Thursday, January 19, 2012

    9 weeks of snuggles

    This week marks 9 weeks of having my sweet little snuggle buddy here!  :)  This week we also hit Cooper's 2 month birthday....which was spent in Raleigh  :) On Tuesday we went to school so that I could get a little bit of planning done with the sub that is covering my class.  C took the day off to come with me and help out with Cooper so I could focus on getting things done a little better.  After we left school we went to Southpoint to walk around for a bit.  Cooper, in true baby fashion, was fighting sleep BIG TIME!  He FINALLY fell asleep as we were leaving the mall, but only slept about 30-45 minutes and had those peepers WIDE open by the time we got home!  :)  needless to say, he slept REALLY well that night because he was zonked!  :)

    Now for some pictures!  :)
    forgot to share this one last week....I think it's cute how Arnold is telling him a secret!

    Anna came to visit this week and Cooper LOVED talking to her!

    They talked until he couldn't keep his eyes open any longer!
    Finally made the mobile for his room!

    A happy naked boy! :)

    Sitting up so big!

    This WAS the outfit we were wearing today...until right after this picture when he spit up ALL over himself (and the glider!)

    At 9 weeks Cooper:
    • is delightful!  he smiles ALL the time!  but the little stinker refuses to smile for his weekly pictures!  the moment I put him on the changing table...all smiles!  in the glider for his pictures....all business!  little booger!  :)
    • still spits up but not nearly as bad as it has been.  I hate making him take the medicine though because it tastes SO bad and he gags and cries every time he has to take it.  :(  I try to tell him that it is supposed to make him feel better and to just get through it, but he doesn't seem to understand.  ;)
    • LOVES looking at lights!  we have a couple of musical, light up toys that he is fascinated by!  he just stares at the lights and grins!  He also simply loves the lights in the ceiling or lamps! he's not picky  :)
    • seems to be able to track things really well now!  I've noticed him watching Arnold a little bit more lately.
    • Definitely recognizes mommy and daddy and loves for us to talk to him.  Sometimes he will fix his eyes on me, and perhaps I'm not looking at him, but when I look at him he is just grinning from ear to ear!  it is the cutest thing ever!  it's like he's saying "I see you mommy!  now look at me and talk to me because I'm much cuter than whatever you're looking at right now!"  love that boy!
    • has incredible head control!  He has had really great control from day one actually, but now he really holds his head up and turns it and looks all around the place!
    • is very ticklish on his sides!  When I put lotion on him after his bath he wiggles and arches his back when I get to his sides!  :)
    • tolerates tummy time pretty well!  he has discovered that he can push up slightly with his arms and then his head is high enough to turn and look around the room even when lying on his tummy.  we haven't seen tons of rolling over since the day he did it several times, but I think that's more because he's figured out how to push his head up and still be able to see around pretty good.  but that's just my theory  :)
    • seems to be SO close to a laugh!  I don't know when they start to laugh, but he makes the funniest noise when he's really happy and grinning really big!  he definitely has his happy noises!
    • is getting the bedtime routine down pat!  We average about 35-45 minutes from start to finish's been so great to be able to put him to bed and have some time to ourselves in the evening, although that time seems to go by quickly with cleaning up the kitchen, washing bottles, pumping, and sitting down to take a breather before we decide we're exhausted and ready for bed too!  :) 
    • does this adorbale little "scream" right before a if he's anticipating what's coming!  :)
    • LOVES his new cloth wipes and homemade wipes solution...they are so soft on his lil bum and smell so good (plus....I know exactly what's in irritating this boy's bottom!)
    • is SUCH a blessing!  Every day gets better and better and I can't imagine what life was ever like without him!  There are still times when i stop and think "How did God see fit to bless US with this precious little boy!?!!?"  it's amazing to think that for 9 (really more like 10) months your body goes through so many changes and a lot of it is so uncomfortable but the whole while the perfect little being is forming and getting ready to rock your world!  People tell you that it will be the most amazing thing ever and that it will change your life, but you don't really understand until you've experienced it.  And it's not all roses...there are times when we find ourselves frustrated while cleaning pee off the wall because the "hose" was left uncovered for too long and the cold air just made it squirt....or when it's 3:00 in the morning and he's hungry and all I want to do is sleep....or when he's just eaten and then spits up ALL over himself and me for the 2nd time that day...But I wouldn't trade it for the world because then there are those times when he makes eye contact with us and just grins.....or when he gets sleepy and snuggles into my chest to go to sleep....or when he makes the sweetest noises of contentment while eating.  My heart just overflows with love for this little precious fella!

    Thursday, January 12, 2012

    8 weeks and ROLLING!

    So Cooper is 8 weeks old today!  How in the world has 8 weeks gone by so quickly, yet I can't even remember what life was like without him!

    At 8 weeks Cooper:
    • weighs 11lbs 3 oz  (based on my bathroom scale, which may not be the most precise)
    • LOVES to be talked to and smiles like crazy!
    • Enjoys a bath, as long as he has his bath Lovee (see below for a picture of this wonderful thing!)
    • has as much hair as the day he was born and it is W-I-L-D!  I comb it no pops right back up as soon as it dries!
    • has finally figured out the whole nursing thing and eats about every 3 hours during the day
    • goes to bed around 9 (we started our bedtime routine this week that consists of a warm bath...some nights he just soaks in the warm relaxing water, other nights he actually gets a bath...a nice massage with Johnson's soothing bedtime lotion, a warm bottle, reading "Guess How Much I Love You" and "Goodnight Moon" and then in the bed!  We started out at over an hour from start until the time he was asleep and tonight...45 minutes for the whole process!)
    • sleeps around 5 hours (give or take) at night for the first stretch
    • has figured out how to ROLL OVER from his tummy to his back.  Today was the first time he did this...I thought maybe it was a fluke until he did it again this evening...I think I've got one advanced boy on my hands!  :)  of course I think so...I'm his mama!  :)
    • falls asleep with one hand behind his head grasping his cute!
    • LOVES his swing and likes to smile and "talk" to the owls hanging from it.
    • has started to notice Arnold and follows him with his eyes at times
    • is spitting up a LOT less now that we have started baby Zantac for his reflux (and he's getting better at taking the obviously tastes AWFUL based on the faces he makes!)
    • is the best, happiest, sweetest baby I could have every hoped for!  I could just eat him up!

    And now for some more  pictures!

    "reading" with daddy

    Love those sweet blue eyes!

    The wonderful bath looks like he's not too sure about it, but he really likes it!  it keeps him nice and warm throughout the bath, no cold air giving him a chill.

    And now I must go take advantage of him sleeping and get some sleep myself  :)  Thanks for stopping by!

      Tuesday, January 3, 2012

      not completely lost....

      I thought I had given up on this cute little blog didn't you...honestly, I thought I had too! Life at the end of pregnancy and then with a newborn got super busy and the 'ol blog naturally took the back seat!  My sincerest apologies!  :)  With 2012 upon us, I'm going to try to get better at blogging again....if for no other reason than to have a record of the things (and changes) taking place with my new sweet little man....
      Look at the face....can you blame me for being preoccupied!?!?
      As I re-enter the blogging world I have a few photos to update you on the last....ahem...5 months.  I'll share a few now and more later....because you know I have TONS that I could inundate you with  :)
      WHOA!  39 weeks and about to go into surgery to meet the little guy
      Going home from the hospital

      Newborn photos at 5 days old
      Newborn photos at 5 days old

      5 days old....I love his hair!  :)

      He was NOT feeling the 3 week pictures!  :)

      Cooper's first Christmas tree

      We have a 'slight' spit up issue that we're trying to work through, but I thought this picture was too funny!  :)
      So what does the new year hold for the Dahmers???  I'm SURE it will be full of adventure! For myself, I would really like to jump into something that I've dreamed about for a!  In taking pictures of my own little man and having professional photos done, I think I'd REALLY love to do newborn photography....That's my goal, to start learning more about the art pf photography and to start going after that dream. Step one....I entered a giveaway that an AMAZING newborn photographer is should check her out...and like her  :)

                                  Keri Meyers Photography                                   

       What's your goal for the new year and what are you doing to achieve it?

      Thanks for stopping by!